Tuesday 13 June
We limbered up for another day of The Fitzrovia Arts Festival 2023, with an hour of yoga in The Fitzrovia Chapel, led by renowned yoga teacher Hazel Sainsbury. We found our repose, and left feeling just that little bit taller.
In the afternoon, Rebecca Hossack, Director of the Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery generously shared her deep knowledge of Aboriginal Art with us. We learnt about the history of ephemeral Aboriginal Desert land art and body painting, its contemporary history on canvas, and the dreamtime, or Jukurrpa stories that these works tell.
Back at The Fitzrovia Chapel, So Ock Kim, Adam Newman, Tom Isaac and Daniel Bates treated us to a beautiful evening of Mozart and Finzi in memory of the great Willie Landels.
Willie Landels, the first editor of Harper’s & Queens, was an eccentric wit, and a celebrated designer and artist. The evening was a fitting tribute to a truly great man.